Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Edan, Koruptor Kok Nyaman di Penjara

Kamis, 6 Mei 2010 | 20:28 WIB

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama atau PBNU menilai, pengadaan penjara khusus bagi pelaku tindak pidana korupsi mengada-ada. Koruptor dimasukkan penjara yang lebih nyaman, privasi lebih terjaga, ini nalarnya bagaimana? Mau apa sesungguhnya pemerintah, kata Rais Syuriah PBNU KH Masdar Farid Mas’udi di Jakarta, Kamis (6/5/2010), menanggapi peresmian LP khusus bagi terpidana kasus korupsi. Dia mengkhawatirkan dengan ditempatkan di penjara khusus dan terpisah dengan terpidana lainnya, terpidana kasus korupsi mendapatkan kenyamanan. Nawaitu-nya apa? Cari 'proyek' bikin gedung atau apa? kata Direktur Perhimpunan Pemberdayaan Pesantren dan Masyarakat itu. Menurut Masdar, sudah saatnya pemerintah memikirkan secara serius, dengan didukung penelitian serta sistem penghukuman

yang efektif dan efisien, daripada sekadar menambah gedung penjara. Harus dicari betul bentuk penghukuman yang betul-betul menimbulkan efek jera sekaligus membuat terpidana bisa berubah menjadi manusia yang lebih baik, katanya.



Anticorruption Rutan builds upon the standards of the United Nations (UN) by the number of rooms as many as 64 units and a capacity of 256 people.

Building Detention Corruption divided over three floors. On the first floor there are 16 rooms occupied by one prisoner for one room for inmates who are sick or old.

The second and third floors consist of 12 rooms. One room on each floor dedicated to the five detainees. Each room has an area of
​​7 x 5 square meters on the second and third floors, while the floor of a 3 x 6 meters.

Another facility is an additional room for about 25 percent of the vast room for musala and reading room. The rooms are available outside the room for exercise and watch television.

Corruption is building quality Rutan has a wall thickness of 20 centimeters, antibahan wall paint, the thickness of the iron tralis reached 22 millimeters, and a distance of about 10 meters antarpos guard.
The current conventional punishment models failed to make the perpetrators deterrent, let alone make it better because they will probably think it's to go to jail again because of the bias quite good facilities. Corruptor entered prison more comfortable, more awake privacy. It is feared that by being placed in a special prison and separated from other prisoners, convicted of corruption cases get comfort that the corrupt do not feel the deterrent. Also now the people who work in court is much that can be bribed so that the corrupt can easily get out of trouble and did not go to jail. It also now many revisions waivers granted to prisoners so that the corrupt prison sentence shorter than they should. Ha; those things that makes the corrupt are not a deterrent and not be afraid to do again what they do dams harm the community again.

It is time for governments to think seriously, supported by research as well as the penitentiary system of effective and efficient, rather than simply add to the prison building. Should look exactly the punishment that really a deterrent effect and make the convict could turn into a better human being.
To physical punishment, according to Masdar, also have to start thinking about the obligations of social work for convicted. It's more humane. Psychologically, it's also healthier. State and society can benefit, he said.

Corruptor put a more comfortable prison, privacy is more awake, how is his reason? What the government really want?.

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